Oranges and Benefits for Health

   Oranges and Benefits for Health| 
We all know and never eat citrus fruits . Citrus fruit is very familiar and often times we can easily find in the mall . Almost all people like citrus fruits . The most widely known by the people of this fruit is its vitamin C content .Everyone recognizes the benefits of citrus fruits , even those tend to include citrus fruits in their daily menu . Orange .

Citrus fruit for health benefits is quite diverse kinds . Oranges are one of the most popular fruit in the world and one of the most nutritious fruits among others .An orange contains more than 60 different flavonoid compounds and also contains more than 170 different phytonutrients . These compounds have a variety of properties associated with healing .

Research shows that eating citrus fruit is one of the best ways to get a health benefits rather than taking supplements .Citrus fruit is also known to help the body to absorb nutrients . In addition , citrus fruits offers a fairly high fiber so good for the health of the digestive system .

Here are some health benefits of citrus fruit for :

1 . Can Prevent Cancer

Citrus fruit is believed to help fight cancer . An Australian study found that grapefruit may reduce the risk of stomach cancer , oral and laryngeal cancer by 40 to 50 percent . Orange is a potential source of vitamin C , an antioxidant that is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer and other cancer types .

2 . Maintain respiratory health

Oranges contain a carotenoid called beta - cryptoxanthin . A 2003 study published in " Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention " found that a diet rich in beta - cryptoxanthin like citrus can maintain respiratory health and even reduce the risk of lung cancer by 27 % .

3 . Prevent cell damage from free radicals

Oranges contain vitamin C are high . Vitamin C is one of the useful secondary antioxidants to prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals in the body . Vitamin C is known for its ability to boost the immune system . Vitamin C is also recognized to maintain eye health ( reduces risk of cataracts ) . In addition , the antioxidants in citrus fruit can prevent oxidative stress and the body can prevent heart disease and premature aging by neutralizing free radicals .

4 . boost immunity

High concentrations of vitamin C found in oranges is believed to help boost the immune system , making it difficult for the disease to be coming into the body . Consumption of citrus fruits on a regular basis is a great way to help prevent any future flu .

5 . Maintain a healthy digestive system

Citrus fruits offer a fiber that can help support a healthy digestive system and can help the process of weight loss by balancing the body's metabolism . Fiber also helps lower cholesterol levels

6 . Maintaining balance blood sugar diabetics

Natural fructose in orange is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes .

7 . Lowers blood pressure and prevents osteoporosis

how can ? because orange is a source of potassium ( potassium ) is good . Potassium helps lower blood pressure and support overall heart health . Potassium also plays an important role in maintaining bone density . Potassium deficiency -related bone diseases such as osteoporosis .

8 . As an anti - inflammatory

Studies show that grapefruit may act as an anti - inflammatory chemical blessing called hesperidin in oranges . A study has found that hesperidin can reduce inflammation . Chronic inflammation may contribute to heart disease , cancer , arthritis , and other conditions .
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