Learn magic trick dude -How to Obtain Number Hp

 Learn magic trick dude -How to Obtain  Number Hp | Magic tricks to find out how to get other people hp number , nah curious is not it? check out :)the workings of ini.Mungkin magic trick you 've ever tried to do a magic trick with a goal to be able to know the mobile number of the opponent .more ....Well , if I notice most tricks such as using math formulas and numbers game , which usually will actually make the opponent play ( especially women ) will feel tired and bored . One way that is unique and exciting as ever performed by one of the finalists Viceroy Rynku event The Masters Season 5 , After I read your Sorcery tricks from a book titled Magic - The Complete Course of Joshua Jay , I find the idea that simple and " cunning " to be able to get the phone number your opponent around with ease. Curious about how to do it ?Check out this one !

Magic Tricks How To Get Hp Numberseffect :Magician issued 1 pack of cards from his pocket , which will then send volunteers to check and shuffle the cards at random . Once the card at random , the magician asked for volunteers to put the first card in a pile on the table . Magician then asks volunteers to issue its HP , then told him to write down the phone number magician .Then the magician asked for volunteers for permission to borrow his cell phone to write down a prediction . After that , a magician HP volunteers put on the table with the face down position . Then take a magician 's deck of cards on the table and asked for volunteers to choose one card .After volunteers choose one card he wants , magician asked for volunteers to take his cell phone and scribbled phone number and press the Call button magician . Volunteers are very surprised when I saw written on the card chosen his cell phone screen when dialing a magician .preparation :1 pack of normal playing cards , HP , and of course you must have a SIM Card lhoprocedure :1 . Invite a target to play magic with you .2 . Once the target is going to be invited to play magic , remove a pack of cards that you have brought . Ask him to check and shuffle the cards .3 . Once the card is encrypted , first put his cards on the table . Ask him to pull out his cell phone and write down your phone number , then borrow his cell phone with a reason to write a prediction .4 . Keep your mobile phone number in the name of the target's HP with any card that will you forcing to the targets , for example 2 kinky . After that put his cell phone on the table , then take the existing stack of cards on the table .5 . Tell the targets that had he had checked his cards and has scrambled pile at random . Say it with a card showing that the stack has been randomized . While you are showing that the stack has been randomized , silent - silent you move the card to you forcing ( in this example is 2 curly cards ) to the top or bottom of the stack .6 . After that , force the card to the target by the method of forcing your favorites .7 . Once the target of getting the card you want, then ask him to . took his cell phone from the table . Ask her to write down your phone number again and press the Call button .8 . What will happen is , the name of the audience choice cards will be displayed on the screen HP targets , because the name of the card is the name of your phone number in the target's HP. Thus , the target will call the phone number to your mobile number and will be stored in your mobile phone .you need to know :When the target is calling your number , try to buy time in advance so that he does not rush - rush deadly vocation before calling into your phone . Wait until about - about the call log to your mobile phone . Maybe you can gain time by saying again that he was aware shuffle the cards , then choose the card also randomly , and so on
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