Kind of - kind of invisibility Science


So often, we often hear the word or the ordinary invisibility commonly called by his nickname and the name of science binoculars from my article where I will explain what is meant by science binoculars.

Binoculars science is a science or science titen to see with the third eye or the so-called ordinary mind's eye. but the science of understanding the science binoculars binoculars can be divided into 3 types such as binoculars science senses to 6, Indigo, and science through binoculars heart

A.) Science binoculars senses to 6

Which is a knowledge that comes only from God and given to man, the science of our era, is no stranger to talk but to the many colleges or hermitage hermitage that teaches about the science, but in terms of the source knowledge about science. knowledge can be obtained in 2 ways again, namely: 1. science is settled to us as we are for example the layman by following conduct or follow dhikr dhikr that is given by a teacher, and on the other hand there are also people who get it in ways that do not struggle, which is only obtained from the offspring / science inheritance

B.) Binoculars Mysticism Science / Science krenteg

Krenteg science is a science that all too often we hear both among laymen, among the schools that could be obtained by chanting and worship diligently, and also among the Javanese, such as having to do a ritual that is given by a teacher to his student.

C.)  Indigo

Advantages possessed by a human and how to find it was not working too hard at all but rather the presence of a hidden talent or a natural supernatural abilities possessed by a person since childhood

The ability comes from the existence of an ethereal being who always normal to envy someone from birth both to wherever or whenever, or ordinary society often often we hear terms such creature nicknamed perewangan figure or what we are talking about with the term khodam

And that's because khodam companion indigo children has advantages. This companion khodam there are 2 characters, ie khodam khodam angels and jinn. but that is very rare to have angel khodam. 1,000 children indigo only one of them who has khodam angel.

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